Already Loved

I was listening to a young woman speak about how she was always striving for something just out of reach: more money, more love, more beauty, more weight loss etc…etc.. She decided for a while to stop all the striving and just see herself as already there.  She decided to stop the what I want is just out of reach tape and just embody and feel what she hoped to feel in the future, as if it was here now.

This mirrored much of what I have been learning about lately, where you adopt the frequency of what you want to achieve as if it where here now.

For example, if you want to have more wealth you would carry the vibration of a wealthy person and allow wealth to be drawn to you.  If you desired more love, you would carry the vibration of a person who was already loved and see what shows up differently when you show up differently.

(I know this sounds a little crazy, but just bear with me here….)

The basic philosophy is that it is hard to create from a place of lack.  If you feel like there is never enough love, it’s hard to create a life filled with love.  If you always feel you don’t have enough money, it’s hard to actually generate a life of abundance.  The philosophy is in a nut shell, change your vibration and see what shows up differently. Or to put it another way, nothing changes until you change.  Or to put it a third way, one of the definitions of insanity is to do the same thing (or repeat the same thoughts) day after day and expect things to show up differently.

Now I’m not entirely sure if this philosophy is accurate or not but what I do know for sure is that it is not very fun, or expansive, or life affirming to walk around all day with a feeling of lack, i.e. not enough money, not enough love, not enough weight loss, not enough fun, etc…etc..

What would it be like to adopt a feeling of enough and just feel thankful in advance?  What might change if we stopped running the there is not enough tape?  What might change if we elevated our vibration, changed our frequency and radiated a new electromagnetic field out into the universe.  What might change, if we stopped running the same old tapes in our mind and had some new thoughts for a change?

It is in this vein, that I wrote Already loved.  You may want to read it slowly and embody the statements as if they are already here now.  You may want to pick one of two statements and practice going through the day embodying a new energy.  For example:  You could go through the day embodying the feeling of a wealthy woman or go through the day as if all your needs were already meet or go through the day as if your life was filled with love.

Let this be a fun experiment.  What shows up differently, when you show up differently?

No one needs to know about this experiment, by the way.  It can just be your own subtle shift in energy and personal experiment with life.

Already loved.

I am already loved.
I am already cared about.
I am already surrounded by friends.
I am already surrounded by the love of my life.

All my needs are already met.

I am already beautiful.
I am already the perfect weight.
I am already sexy and attractive.

All my needs are already met.

I am already filled with great devotion.
I am already of great service in the world.
I am already offering my full contribution.

All my needs are already met.

I am already very wealthy.
I am already very abundant.
I am already wildly successful.

All of my needs are already met.

I am already seen.
I am already valued.
I am already cared about.

All my needs are already met.

I am already having great travel experiences.
I am already having great adventures.

I am already living a life of adventure and fun.

All of my needs are already met.

I am already in great shape physically.
I am already working out on a regular basis.
I am already enjoying my body.

All of my needs are already met.

I am already in excellent health.
I am already feeling really well in my body.
I am already radiating wellness.

All of my needs are already met.

I am already loving myself.
I am already taking really good care of myself.
I am already appreciating myself.

All of my needs are already met.

I am already well.
I am already whole.
I am already abundant.
I am already confident.
I am already powerful.
I am already strong.
I am already humble.
I am already compassionate.
I am already loving.
I am already wise.
I am already deep.
I am already creative.
I am already in high demand.
I am already well able.
I am already capable.
I am already very satisfied.

All of my needs are already met.
All of my needs are already met.
All of my needs are already met.

Walk to your car as if all of your needs are already met.
Go to work as if you already are a wealthy man or women.
Go through your day as if you are already wildly loved in just the way you want to be loved.
Go through the day today as if your needs are already met.

Be thankful.
Be appreciative.
Be relieved.

Embody it as if it is already here now.

Let this be your experiment with life.

Do if for an hour, a day, a week or even a year.
See what shows up differently, when you show up differently.

Radiate a new electromagnetic signature out into the field.
See what changes when you change.

I’ll be practicing along beside you.
Or perhaps,  I am already there.

Hayley Mermelstein